About the Journal


Journal of East-West Thought ISSN : 2168-2259 (Online) UGC CARE I

Journal of East-West Thought (JET) is published by the International Association for East-West Studies (IAES, https://iaesonline.org; http://www.cpp.edu/~iaes). JET is included in The Philosopher's Index and EBSCO. As a scholarly peer-reviewed and printed journal dedicated to advancing constructive, creative, critical, theoretical, and forward-looking thoughts and ideas in East-West studies, it provides a forum for interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, global, and philosophical examinations of all subject matters within East-West studies. JET's ISSN is 2168-2259 (Online). Websites are:

http://www.cpp.edu/jet  (Print Only )

http://www. Jetjournal.us  (Online) after 2020

Journal of East-West Thought September 2020 // Scholar Works (calstate.edu)

Journal of East-West Thought - Bronco Scholar

Journal of East-West Thought // Scholar Works (calstate.edu)

Email: [email protected]

Since the Inaugural Issue (December 2011), JET has published many articles of a wide range of celebrated philosophers and authors, including Jürgen Habermas, Thomas Pogge, Robert Cummings Neville, William L. McBride, Vencent M. Colapietro, Josef Seifert, Zhang Longxi, Kwong-loi Shun, Chung-ying Cheng, and more. From 2021 we are publishing on Chemistry, Mathematics, Management, Social Sciences: Education Business, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Management and Accounting: Strategy and Management Business and Accounting: Management of Technology and Innovation (Multidisciplinary)

JET welcomes diverse theories and methods, promoting dialogue on various philosophical, ethical, aesthetical, and methodological issues, problems, and themes in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and other fields, including economics, political science, law, business, engineering, and the arts. JET aims to combine Western and non-Western perspectives to construct an integrative and cosmopolitan perspective that will benefit an international community of educators.

JET will be published quarterly: Spring (March), Summer (June), Fall (September), and Winter (December).

Professor John Zijiang Ding, Editor-In-Chief
Journal of East-West Thought
Department of Philosophy
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona 91768, USA
Fax: (909) 869-4434.

International Association for East-West Studies (IAES)


Call for Papers

JET welcomes articles on East-West Thought in the following categories:

  1. Universalism, Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice
  2. Theories of Justice
  3. Pluralism, Enclusivism and Muilty-culturalism
  4. Contemporary Moral Issues
  5. Contemporary Epistemological Issues
  6. Contemporary Esthetical Issues
  7. Contemporary Ontological Issues
  8. Civilizational Coexistence and Cooperation
  9. Reformation, Institutionalization, and Constitutionalization
  10. Philosophy of Disasters, Crises, and Conflicts
  11. Theories of Communications
  12. Theories of Languages and Hermeneutics
  13. Naturalism and Ecological Thoughts
  14. Contemporary Capitalization and Privatization
  15. Post-Modernism, Post-Marxism, Post-Communism, and Post-Revolutionism
  16. Americanism, De-Americanism, Anti-Americanism, and Post-Americanism
  17. Globalization and Polarization
  18. Scientification and Technologication
  19. Nationalism, Patriotism and Militarism
  20. Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Biology
  21. Management, Commerce
  22. Social Sciences
  23. Education Business,
  24. Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,
  25. Management and Accounting
  26. Strategy and Management Business and Accounting
  27.  Management of Technology and Innovation