
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines in preparing your manuscript for submission:

  • Must be unpublished and not under review elsewhere.
  • Address an important problem of research value.
  • Display a high level of analytical, argumentative, creative, and qualitative theorizing.
  • Clearly communicate to a general East-West studies audience.
  • Include an accurate and informative abstract of 150 words or less on the title page.
  • Engage relevant and important literature, including disclosing gaps in that literature.
  • Follow the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition). The guidelines include matters of text style, citations, appendices, notes, references, and tables/ figures.
  • Do not exceed 8,000 words, including footnotes, references, etc.; any submissions over 8,000 words will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. A book review is to be approximately 1,200 words.
  • Figures and tables must be numbered consecutively and listed at the end of the manuscript.
  • Submitted files will be in Microsoft Word format. All text, footnotes, references, and appendices (as appropriate) must be single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, no hyphenation. Use italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Page margins should be a minimum of one inch. All references are Last Name, First Name (not Last Name, First Initial), e.g., Russell, Bertrand. In general, formatting should be reduced to a minimum.
  • References must be listed at the end of the article:
    • Russell, Bertrand. 1922. The Problem of China. London: George Allen & Unwin.
    • Durkheim, Emile. 1966. The Rules of Sociological Method, trans. S. A. Solovay and J. H. Mueller. New York: The Free Press.
    • Chan, Wing-tsit. 1970. The Ch’eng-Chu School of Early Ming. Pp 29-51 In William Theodore de Bary (eds), Self and Society in Ming Thought. New York: Columbia University Press.
    • Rawls, John. 1958. Justice as Fairness. Philosophical Review, 67, 164-94.

JET Manuscript Submission

  • All manuscripts are submitted to the Editor.
  • Only electronic submission is accepted. All submissions should be sent as email attachments, in Microsoft Word, to Email:  [email protected].
  • The contact information of author(s) should include names and email addresses of all authors.
  • A revised manuscript should further have available the original manuscript number.
  • An original manuscript must include only one anonymous file.
  • An author may recommend 3 specialists to review the manuscript, but they may not be selected to review.

JET Privacy Statement

All names and email addresses sent via this website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

JET Manuscript Review Process

  • All articles accepted for publication through a scholarly peer review process will meet the high standards of expertise.
  • A number of recognized reviewers will evaluate a manuscript and recommend its publication, revision, or rejection.
  • All peer reviews are anonymous.
  • The process depends on reviewer response.
  • All reviews are advisory to the Editor. Most recommendations will fall into the following categories: 1) accepted; 2) accepted with suggested improvements by the author; 3) rejected with suggested revisions and invitation to resubmit; or 4) 4. rejected outright.
  • A manuscript can be returned without review if it does not meet JET’s standards.

Call for Papers

JET welcomes articles on East-West Thought in the following categories:

  1. Universalism, Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice
  2. Theories of Justice
  3. Pluralism, Enclusivism and Muilty-culturalism
  4. Contemporary Moral Issues
  5. Contemporary Epistemological Issues
  6. Contemporary Esthetical Issues
  7. Contemporary Ontological Issues
  8. Civilizational Coexistence and Cooperation
  9. Reformation, Institutionalization, and Constitutionalization
  10. Philosophy of Disasters, Crises, and Conflicts
  11. Theories of Communications
  12. Theories of Languages and Hermeneutics
  13. Naturalism and Ecological Thoughts
  14. Contemporary Capitalization and Privatization
  15. Post-Modernism, Post-Marxism, Post-Communism, and Post-Revolutionism
  16. Americanism, De-Americanism, Anti-Americanism, and Post-Americanism
  17. Globalization and Polarization
  18. Scientification and Technologication
  19. Nationalism, Patriotism and Militarism
  20. Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Biology
  21. Management, Commerce
  22. Social Sciences
  23. Education Business,
  24. Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,
  25. Management and Accounting
  26. Strategy and Management Business and Accounting
  27.  Management of Technology and Innovation

Submission Preparation Checklist

JET Manuscript Submission

  • All manuscripts are submitted to the Editor.
  • Only electronic submission is accepted. All submissions should be sent as email attachments, in Microsoft Word, to Email:  [email protected].
  • The contact information of author(s) should include names and email addresses of all authors.
  • A revised manuscript should further have available the original manuscript number.
  • An original manuscript must include only one anonymous file.
  • An author may recommend 3 specialists to review the manuscript, but they may not be selected to review.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.