About the Journal
Journal of East-West Thought (JET) ISSN : 2168-2259 (Online) UGC CARE I is published by the International Association for East-West Studies (IAES, https://iaesonline.org; http://www.cpp.edu/~iaes). JET is included in The Philosopher's Index and EBSCO. As a scholarly peer-reviewed and printed journal dedicated to advancing constructive, creative, critical, theoretical, and forward-looking thoughts and ideas in East-West studies, it provides a forum for interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, global, and philosophical examinations of all subject matters within East-West studies. JET's ISSN is 2168-2259 (Online). Websites are:
http://www.cpp.edu/jet (Print Only )
http://www. Jetjournal.us (Online) after 2020
Journal of East-West Thought September 2020 // Scholar Works (calstate.edu)
Journal of East-West Thought - Bronco Scholar
Journal of East-West Thought // Scholar Works (calstate.edu)
Call for Papers
JET welcomes articles on East-West Thought in the following categories:
- Universalism, Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice
- Theories of Justice
- Pluralism, Enclusivism and Muilty-culturalism
- Contemporary Moral Issues
- Contemporary Epistemological Issues
- Contemporary Esthetical Issues
- Contemporary Ontological Issues
- Civilizational Coexistence and Cooperation
- Reformation, Institutionalization, and Constitutionalization
- Philosophy of Disasters, Crises, and Conflicts
- Theories of Communications
- Theories of Languages and Hermeneutics
- Naturalism and Ecological Thoughts
- Contemporary Capitalization and Privatization
- Post-Modernism, Post-Marxism, Post-Communism, and Post-Revolutionism
- Americanism, De-Americanism, Anti-Americanism, and Post-Americanism
- Globalization and Polarization
- Scientification and Technologication
- Nationalism, Patriotism and Militarism
- Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Biology
- Management, Commerce
- Social Sciences
- Education Business,
- Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,
- Management and Accounting
- Strategy and Management Business and Accounting
- Management of Technology and Innovation