Assessment of Agricultural Practice and Environmental issues in India: A Case study of Haryana
Agriculture is the main occupation in Haryana and plays a vital role in supplying food grains to India. Rapid population growth and development place significant pressure on natural resources. As developmental activities increase, so does the demand for food, energy, water, sanitation, and various public services. While natural resources play a crucial role in development, human-induced pollution leads to environmental degradation. This creates a conflict between developmental goals and sustainability agendas, as highlighted by the United Nations, emphasizing the urgent need to address the dire state of natural resources and prioritize environmental sustainability. In the latter half of the 20th century, rising air pollution, declining green cover and global warming began to pose serious risks to human health. It became clear that environmental sustainability must be integrated into development processes to meet the aspirations of future generations. A practical solution lies in understanding and addressing the key drivers of environmental sustainability in a comprehensive manner.