“The Aftermath of Divorce: Evaluating the Well-Being of Women and Children”
Present society, well being is paramount concern by every individual. Significant role of family institution is to maintain the same. Simultaneously, matrimonial institution provides security and support for every aspect of life. Due to societal and population trend, these two institution transform and resulted into divorce. Now, the matrimonial institution has lost its sanctity. This paper reveals that how well being of divorced women and their children affected by divorce. Paper about to understand, during and post divorce alteration in their life. Researcher, focus on the multifaceted impacts of divorce such as social, emotional, economic, psychological well being and physical health too. Also finds issues regarding the feeling of unhappiness and loneliness, depressive, sleeping disturbance, suicidal thoughts, etc. Terrible effects of mother bad financial condition and social stigma has seen various forms upon the divorced parent children. To mitigate the impacts of divorce researcher suggest some coping mechanism.