Mapping the Evolution of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction (2002-2024)"


  • Manisha and Dr Naveen Sirohi Author




Organizational Climate is essential to research in order to cultivate a happy and successful work environment. Organizations may establish work environments where employees feel valued and driven by having a thorough awareness of the numerous aspects that impact employee engagement and satisfaction. This paper highlights the key characteristics and current practices of organizational climate. Between 2000 and the early 2024, a bibliometric analysis of 350 studies was conducted to identify research activity on organizational climate and job satisfaction. The data is then analyzed using the bibliometric R package. Our study employed scientific methods to comb through a large body of literature. We search for writers and papers with a high citation count in order to assess influence. The paper examines the literature on current topics, impediments to literature growth, and potential future research areas. Organizational climate is a concept which grow from past decade. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health and Journal of Business Ethics and Safety Science are the top contributing journals. Thematic analysis reveals the importance of emphasizing organizational climate and job satisfaction in research design. These findings can be used by educators, researchers, and stakeholders to promote organizational climate in Academia.





