
  • 1. Karuna Gautam Kamble , 2 .Dr. B. S. Mudholkar Author



Digital age, Cyber-crime, Cyber Security, Digital era, women security matter


In this modern society women are not feeling safe. This problem is being raised day by day. There are many ways to blackmail to Women and young girls. Online blackmailing, harassment for money or sexual harassment. Abuse of Indian women through dating apps, they are easily get catch in this trap there many Reasons new generation addicted to this think, so, there is need to aware women to live secure in society from this unexpected thinks. Because many applications and social media apps are available by which use they used to blackmail or wrong use of it. To do any fraud. Women get lost mentally, physically, financially etc. hardly struggling in life. These problems are made worse by inadequate legal frameworks and privacy laws, which give women little protection from cyber criminals. It’s a negative and depressing part of their life. Hence to reduce this situation and to stop this thing and to take revenge should punish those criminals. The state government, Indian government spread awareness and launched different types of apps for protecting women and girls from fraud people and creating a healthy and secure environment that was mandatory to do. Need to make some effective and efficient efforts for promoting women empowerment and gender equality hence, in the digital age, women cyber security is the bestest way to secure women. But it's not the cheapest way but it's essential to prompt it. 


