Livestock, Temporal change, Growth rateAbstract
In India, livestock is an integral part of agriculture. Cattle are used to plough fields and transport crops, while other animals are used for manure and as a source of fuel. Livestock provides livelihoods to millions of people in India, especially in rural areas. Many farmers depend on livestock for income, as well as for food and other resources. Farmers consider cows sacred and often seen them as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Other animals such as buffaloes, sheep and goats are also important from an economic point of view. This research paper reviews the temporal change in the number of various livestock in Maharashtra from 1961 to 2019 over time. The entire study is based on secondary source of data. The growth in total livestock from 1961 to 2019 is very low. The number of livestock is decreasing due to frequent droughts and the resulting problems of fodder and water scarcity. Also, the slaughter rate of various livestock has increased due to the large increase in the non-vegetarian population.