Role of Agro-Industries in Enhancing Rural Livelihoods in Rajasthan


  • Dr. Abhishek Vashishtha Author



Agro-industries are the backbone of rural development through agro processing, adding value to agricultural produce, providing employment and sustaining the economy. Agro industries are well suited to Rajasthan, an arid and agriculturally based state where alternatives to traditional sources of rural livelihood could significantly improve income, reduce post-harvest losses and provide market linkages for farmers. In this paper, the role played by agro industries in rural development in Rajasthan is studied, emphasizing their contribution to employment generation and to income enhancement, and in promoting social inclusion, especially in the marginal sections of the society, like women, landless laborers etc. It also looks at the sector’s challenges such as infrastructure gap, financing and environmental issues that militate against its development. The research approach is a mixed methods approach that draws on a combination primary data collection of agro industrial stakeholders, secondary analysis of policy frameworks and case studies. Both our findings show that agro industries help to create economic resilience and prevent rural to urban migration by providing local employment. The study argues that policy interventions, technological integration and public private partnerships will be needed to unlock the sector’s potential. Therefore, this research seeks to address aspects of agro-industries as a means to compliment the efforts of actors addressing these aspects of agro-industries and other aspects with actionable recommendations to strengthen agro-industries and support sustainable rural development.




