Five Year Planning to Gender Budgeting: Women Development and Empowerment in India
The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the government initiatives and India’s commitment for the development and empowerment through the state affirmatives and welfare policy from the first five year plan to the era of gender budgeting . It present detail of the government allocation of the various policies and programmes adopted by the government of India under the each five year plan for the development and empowerment of women in India. The short-comings of the five year plans and constitution of the investigating committee and the government initiatives to adopt the international framework for women development and empowerment is connected with the five year plans. The allocation of the special funds and scheme to faster the women development and to reduce the gender gave are duly focused upon. This paper presents the historical analysis of the government affirmative action and state welfare for the development and empowerment of women in India from a constituent of a family to as an individual and as independent single woman.