Since the creation of the universe, there has been an inseparable relationship between humans and the environment. There is a continuous processes are taking place in various components of the environment. This includes in all the biotic and abiotic factors around us. Due to all this, the environment is in a comprehensive situation that is related to space and time as well as life. Environmental awareness should be created in every section of the society, so they should understand the importance of the environment. This will maintain the balance of the environment. Their will terrible problems will arise due to the deterioration of the balance to the environment. Many environmental problems have arises in the current years. Keeping this view 5th June is celebrated as World Environment Day. The theme for 2024 Environment day was “Our Land, Our future”. So to discuss environmental problems such as fertilizing barren lands, preventing desertification and drought are the main issue. Reducing the degradation of the natural environment due to excessive human intervention, planting trees, developing green cities, adopting environmentally friendly diets and cleaning rivers, lakes, and beaches are important environmental goals. In all these situations, it is necessary to actively participate in protecting the environment through public awareness to overcome environmental problems.